jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008


In 1530 it was hit by an earthquake, so he had to be rebuilt by their inhabitants. As in 1543 Cubagua was invaded by French pirates, New Cordova suffered a stagnation in their development.

In 1569 with the arrival of Diego Fernandez de Zerpa the city regained name Cumana, which according to the language of its first settlers meant union of sea and river. On July 2, 1591 King Philip II of Spain granted the title of Cumana city.

Se cree that the first inhabitants of Sucre state came from the south through the Orinoco River. According to studies of primitive life in the country, in the area today took the town of Cumana villagers living on fishing harpoon, huts built of palm, joined in numerous tribes and intertribal trade practiced.

Cultivate cassava and dyed the body with paint. Adorable natural forces and priests, called piach, also were sorcerers and doctors. Since ancient times celebrated marriages and births with alcoholic beverages prepared with fruits from the area. There was a chief called chieftain, who was advised by a council of elders.